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Q: What is rugged segmentation in digital image processing?
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Classification or types of image processing?

Image Processing classify as three type. (1) Low level image processing (noise removal, image sharpening, contrast enhancement) (2) Mid level image processing (segmentation) (3) High level image processing (analysis based on output of segmentation)

What are the areas in image processing?

image segmentation edge detection image manipulation threshold

What is need of segmentation in image processing?

segmentation is the process of dividing/splitting an image into it's constituent part for analysis purpose...

Why we need image segmentation?

As a simple answer I can say: we do segmentation to separate homogeneous area. IN image processing it can be number of pixels with the same intensity in general.

What is digital image processing?

Image processing is the method of processing data in the form of an image. Image processing is not just the processing of image but also the processing of any data as an image. It provides security.

What is difference between digital image processing and digital signal processing?

Digital Image Processing is a type of Digital manipulation pertaining to pictures and video. "Photoshopping" a digital picture is an example of Digital Image Processing. Another example is what takes place in a digital camera when the image is captured on the image sensor and converted into a JPEG file to be saved on a memory card. Digital Signal Processing is a generic term for any manipulation of a Digitally encoded signal, such as Audio, Video, or Radio Signals. This also includes Digital Image Processing where there is a signal being sent from one part of a system to another, such as in a digital camera. There are Microprocessors that are specifically built to process digital signals known as "Digital Signal Processors" (or DSP's).

What is autonomous segmentation in digital image processing?

Autonomous = done automatically by a software (used in robotics) Image segmentation = dividing the image into parts that can be used later to recognize relevant image features (like objects) The definition of autonomous segmentation is summing up both terms and refers to a automatic, without human intervention, segmentation of the image. It means that the segmentation algorithms auto-calibrate themselves. This may seem a simple task for a controlled indoor environment, but can also become a huge complexity in outdoor scenes where the lightning conditions are ranging from complete darkness to direct sunlight on the sensor.

What are the Basic steps of Image Processing System?

1. Image acquisition 2. Image restoration/enhancement 3. Image segmentation 4. Image interpretation

What is image acquisition in digital image processing?

It is the creation of digital image, typically from a physical scene. The term assumed to imply or include processing,compression, storage, printing, and display of such image.

What are the types of image processing?

there are two types of image processing. 1.analog

What is the difference between image processing and digital image processing?

Digital uses mega pixels ... vs film resolution is based on the area u have to record the image

What is the difference in image clarity in digital image processing and optical image processing?

Digital image is depending on the camera resolotion, where optical image depends on the quality of the film. Normally an optical image will be better then a digital image, unless you are using high end digital camera. I hope this helps, Icko