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Q: What is sahayak police nirikshak called in English?
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What is the English slang for police?

It is called Cops.

How are the british policeman called?

Police constables, nowadays more often police officers. Cops. Police Officers. Police. Policemen. Policewomen. Authorities. Etc. =]

What are London police called?

"Bobbies" is used as a colloquial term for police officers around the UK, not just London where it originated.

What is the English term for Indonesian police?

Police = Polisi

Is the phrase come in action correct English when used in the same manner as get into action Example The police were called to come in action?

It is correct grammatically, but not idiomatic. We say the police were called to TAKE action, to GET INTO action, or to BECOME ACTIVE.

Is the phrase come in action correct English when used in the same manner as get into action. Example The police were called to come in action.?

It is correct grammatically, but not idiomatic. We say the police were called to TAKE action, to GET INTO action, or to BECOME ACTIVE.

What does bureau de police mean in English?

"bureau de police" is "police station"

What type of saddle do Royal Canadian Mounted Police use?

For Howrse:EnglishThe police use a very comfortable English saddle Called: Stubben. it is a top of the line brand and is very nice-fitting

Can you use police with s?

Not in English

What is an english police officer called?

The slang term used is "bobby" or "bobbies".The national police unit is called Scotland Yard.The UK does not have a national police force, it has area forces which co-operate, sometimes. New Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police force.

What is 'police' when translated from English to Italian?
