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The Nicene Creed.

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Q: What is said at mass that is an essential belief of Catholics?
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Why did the religion Mahayana separate from the original religion Buddhism?

Sexuality beliefs as well as the belief of what Guatama actually said. Similar to how the Catholics, and Christians diffused.

How many masses were celebrated in the Catholic and Christian Churches?

You are being redundant. Catholics are theoriginal Christian Church. Catholics celebrate Mass every day of the year with the exception of Good Friday. At any given moment a Mass is being said somewhere in the world.

What does mas on Christmas mean?

The word “Christmas” comes from the “Christ mass” or “Mass of Christ”. The “mas” part of “Christmas” is the same as the word Catholics still use for a church service - a mass. It comes from the time when every saint had their own saint's day on which a mass or communion service was said in their memory.

When do Catholics say the Lord's Prayer?

== == Also said as penance after confession. During the Mass, during recitation of the rosary, during Stations of the Cross, and during personal prayer.

What did Berangar of Tours question the Church's teaching on?

transubstantiation of the eucharist, or the belief that Jesus Christ becomes present in the bread when the words are said by a priest at mass

What is the term used to describe what happens to the bread and wine durning Mass?

We Catholics believe that during the Mass the bread and wine change into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ after the words of consecration are said by the priest. This process is called transubstantiation.

What word is not said or sung in the liturgy during lent for catholics?

alleluia is not said or sung

What days do Catholics have service?

Most Catholic Churches, unless they are a mission church under another parish, have Mass or other services every day of the year. On Good Friday no Mass is said but on Good Friday special services are held to commemorate the death of Our Lord.

Has the Pope ever sacrificed anyone on Good Friday?

Umm... the Roman Catholic Church does not engage in human sacrifice. The only sacrifice Catholics partake in is the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross which is represented to us in the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass. Mass is not said on Good Friday.

Why do catholics believe children must be baptised soon after they are born?

Jesus said that the only sacrament that was essential to salvation is that of Baptism. That said, there really isn't a reason to put it off. If you think back to the days where child mortality rates were much higher in the first month or two, it makes a lot of sense.

Something that inspires is said to have?

belief; credibility

Something that has the power to inspire belief is said to have?
