

What is sailor in Greek?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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11y ago

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The Greek for sailor is ναύτης

It is pronounced:


" It is also similar to the Latin for sailorwhich is nautas "

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12y ago

astronaut < (Gk) αστροναύτης [astronaftis] < αστήρ (= star) + ναύτης (=sailor) (< ναύς=sea)

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What does sailor mean in Greek?

Sailor is an English word, not a Greek one. So it has no meaning in Greek. So perhaps you should ask, "What is the Greek word for sailor?"

What is the Greek word for sailor?

If you google the word Nautilus, you will find that it came from the Greek word ( &nu;&alpha;&upsilon;&tau;&#943;&lambda;&omicron;&sigmaf;) which means Sailor.

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No sailor. It was an Ancient Greek mathematician.

What does the word astronaut mean?

Star sailor or traveller Coined from Ancient Greek &#7940;&sigma;&tau;&rho;&omicron;&nu; (&aacute;stron), "'star'") and &nu;&alpha;&#973;&tau;&eta;&sigmaf; (na&uacute;t&#275;s), "'sailor'").

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Astronauts of different countries working together typically communicate in English.

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Aqua (Latin: water), and nautes (Greek: sailor) via nauta (Latin:sailor).

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Symbol of the dangers of the sea to the unwary sailor.

Was sailor moon based on a real person?

alot of sailor moon was based on greek mythology.. names such as selene (serenity), endymion, Artemis, Diana, Helios (and others).. from the anime is actually based on these greek gods/goddess.. so in a sense sailor moon is real.. but as a real living person now.. no..

What does cosmonaut mean in Greek?

"cosmonaut" is the Russian version of an "astronaut". "Cosmo", "astro", and "naut" are all Greek roots meaning "world", "star", and "sailor". So, the question is mostly irrelevant, as the terms are English incarnations of strung together Greek terms. So, a literal meaning of "cosmonaut" is "world sailor", and "astronaut" "star sailor". Thus, both are fitting terms for someone going to outer space.

What is 'astronaut' when translated from English to Greek?

&Alpha;&sigma;&tau;&rho;&omicron;&nu;&alpha;&#973;&tau;&eta;&sigmaf; and &alpha;&sigma;&tau;&rho;&omicron;&nu;&alpha;&#973;&tau;&iota;&sigma;&sigma;&alpha; are Greek equivalents of the English word "astronaut." Context makes clear whether feminine (case 2) or masculine (example 1) gender suits for the English singular noun whose origins trace back to the merger of the Greek words &#7940;&sigma;&tau;&rho;&omicron;&nu; (&aacute;stron, &ldquo;star&rdquo;) and &nu;&alpha;&#973;&tau;&eta;&sigmaf; (na&uacute;t&#275;s, &ldquo;sailor&rdquo;). The respective pronunciations will be "A-stro-NAF-tees" in the masculine and "A-stro-NAF-tees-sa" in Aeginan Greek.

What is the symbolism of a ships helm anchor and cross intertwined tattoo?

It is a take off of a Greek seaman's cross! A sailor's version of a crucifix. It was intended to protect the sailor especially while at sea.