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Q: What is sampling in legal research?
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What the methods being used in conducting a research?

Quota sampling stratified sampling random sampling convenient sampling cluster sampling semi stratified sampling stratified quota

Sampling in operations research and management?

semi stratified sampling

What is sampling in research?

Sampling techniques in researching involves to types of sampling. The probability sampling and the non-probability sampling. Simple random is an example of probability sampling.

Why is random sampling so important for research?

sampling is very important for researcher

When a research problem is related to heterogenous population the most suitable sampling method is?

cluster sampling

Can non -probability sampling be used in descriptive research?


What are the reasons for choosing random sampling method for ones research work and what is random sampling method anyway?

because it is the simplest sampling technique which requires less time and cost.

What is sampling precision?

it implies the degree to which the strate choosen for research is apt

why do you use sampling design in research studies?

To avoid mistakes and correct

What is primary sampling?

Primary sampling is a research method used by various companies for many different reasons. The primary sampling unit arises in sampling surveys where population elements are grouped, and those groups becomes units in the sample selection.

Definition of sampling method in research methodology?

sampling is a process of getting information about a population by asking questions from a potion of people who belong with that population

What are the different advantages of Sampling?

Advantages of Sampling:; Sampling has some advantages over the complete count. These are: ... Sometimes there is a need for sampling. Suppose we want to inspect the eggs, the bullets, the missiles and the tires of some firm.