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metamorphic rock

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Q: What is sandstone heated and pressed?
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What type of rock is a sandstone and what is it made up of?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock and it is made of smaller pieces of rock and is pressed together

What sand stone is heated and pressed?


What can sandstone and limestone be heated by?

Any heat source, whether man-made or natural.

When layers of sediments are pressed together?

sedimentary rock like sandstone or limestone

How are metamorpic rocks formed?

Sedimentary rocks are heated and pressed together.

What do you call sediment that are pressed into layers?

They are sedimentary rock. Four examples being chalk, sandstone, limestone and slate.

Does limestone become sandstone when heated?

No. Limestone changes to Marble when it undergoes intense heat and pressure.

What does sandstone change to?

That depends on what happens to it. If it is sufficiently heated and compressed it will metamorphose to quartzite.

When limestone is heated does I become sandstone?

Once burnt limestone turns into calcium oxide which is known as quicklime.

What is before metamorphic rock in the rock cycle?

Sedimentary Rock which becomes heated and pressed and Igneous Rock which is also heated and compressed.

Where are the oldest layers of a sandstone rock located?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks form from sediments that deposited by the wind and water. Over the time those sediments will get pressed and cemented together. It can take millions of years for sediments to become a rock. So the oldest layers of a sandstone are on a bottom.

What does sandstone and marble have in common?

Limestone and sand stone are both sedimentary rocks, and marble is made out of limestone when heated . :) Hope that helped.