

What is sanguinary?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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14y ago

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Sanguinary means bloodthirsty. It's basically what you use to describe brutal murderers.

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What is the marseillaise?

"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France, so-called because it was sung by volunteers from Marseille when they arrived in Paris during the French Revolution. The song was written by Rouget de Lisle. The melody is famous and memorable; the lyrics are exceptionally sanguinary.

What was the movement against the Roman Catholic Church that began in 1517 it resulted in the creation of Protestant churches?

This was the reformation. People such as Jan Hus, Peter Waldo, and John Wycliffe had made attempts at reforming the Catholic Church but the reform movement really gained momentum When Martin Luther wrote and made public "The Ninety-Five Theses". This was a list of questions and propositions (mainly about the abuse of indulgences) for public debate. The selling/abuse of indulgences was a concern of Luther and others There were many other teachings and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church that Luther and others were not happy with. For example, on a visit to Rome in 1510 Luther was greatly disappointed with the state of religion in Rome. "He was favourably struck, indeed, with the business administration and police regulations of the papal court, but shocked by the unbelief, levity and immorality of the clergy. Money and luxurious living seemed to have replaced apostolic poverty and self-denial. He saw nothing but worldly splendour at the court of Pope Julius II., who had just returned from the sanguinary siege of a town conducted by him in person". - History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff Luther also believed the scriptures should be available for the common people to read, he translated the Bible into everyday German. "Luther did not have in view the existence of an autonomous church alongside of the existing church. He desired the renewal of the church. He sought for good pastoral care, formulated the necessity for a better theology and expressed a desire for biblical piety". - Dr. Frank van der Pol from Christelijke Encyclopedie, (Kampen, 2005).

What year was the Alamo defeat?

The Battle of the Alamo ended on March 6, 1836.A FORT IN TEXAS, erected for a mission building in 1744; used for religious purposes till 1793, when, on account of the great strength of its walls, it was converted into a fort. In the struggle by Texas for independence, the most sanguinary and heroic conflict of the border warfare, which merged into the Mexican War, occurred there-a conflict which for years was familiar to Americans as the Thermopylae of Texas. The fort was about an acre in extent, oblong, and surrounded by a wall 8 or 10 feet in height by 3 feet in thickness. A body of Texans, under the command of Col. William Barrett Travis, retired into the fort early in 1836, upon the dismantling of San Antonio by Sam Houston, and then Santa Anna, with a large force, invested the fort Feb. 23. The Texans numbered only 140 men, while the Mexican army was 4,000 strong. The enemy took possession of the town, then erected batteries on both sides of the river, and for twenty-four hours bombarded the fort, during which, it is stated, over 200 shells were discharged into it, but without injuring a man. The attacking forces made several vigorous assaults on the fort, but were repulsed in each case. The commander of the beleaguered garrison sent many couriers to San Felipe for assistance, but only a handful of men succeeded in reaching the fort. As the siege progressed provisions grew scarce, and the defenders of Alamo, worn by the labors of the defense and broken in health, although not in spirits, were hourly becoming less able to hold their posts. March 6 a combined attack was made by the entire forces of the besiegers; twice they assaulted the posts, and were as often driven back with heavy loss by the Texan troops. A hand-to-hand encounter ensued, which the Texans, few and feeble, were unable to sustain, and but six of their devoted band remained. Among this number was the famous Davy Crockett, who, with the others, surrendered, under promise of protection; but when they were taken before Santa Anna were, upon his command, instantly cut to pieces, Crockett having been stabbed by a dozen swords. Other barbarities were committed, such as collecting the bodies of the slain in the centre of the Alamo, and, after horribly mutilating the re-mains, burning them. Only three persons, a woman, a child, and a servant, were spared. A few weeks after Santa Anna was routed with immense loss, and himself captured in the battle of San Jacinto, where the Texans raised the war cry, " Remember the Alamo!" It is estimated that during the siege of Fort Alamo the Mexican losses aggregated over 1,600 men. For many years, indeed until the close of the Mexican War, the Texans only needed to be roused to deeds of valor by the recollection of the massacre at the Alamo, and dearly did the neighboring republic pay for the butchery by Santa Anna and his forces.A FORT IN TEXAS, erected for a mission building in 1744; used for religious purposes till 1793, when, on account of the great strength of its walls, it was converted into a fort. In the struggle by Texas for independence, the most sanguinary and heroic conflict of the border warfare, which merged into the Mexican War, occurred there-a conflict which for years was familiar to Americans as the Thermopylae of Texas. The fort was about an acre in extent, oblong, and surrounded by a wall 8 or 10 feet in height by 3 feet in thickness. A body of Texans, under the command of Col. William Barrett Travis, retired into the fort early in 1836, upon the dismantling of San Antonio by Sam Houston, and then Santa Anna, with a large force, invested the fort Feb. 23. The Texans numbered only 140 men, while the Mexican army was 4,000 strong. The enemy took possession of the town, then erected batteries on both sides of the river, and for twenty-four hours bombarded the fort, during which, it is stated, over 200 shells were discharged into it, but without injuring a man. The attacking forces made several vigorous assaults on the fort, but were repulsed in each case. The commander of the beleaguered garrison sent many couriers to San Felipe for assistance, but only a handful of men succeeded in reaching the fort. As the siege progressed provisions grew scarce, and the defenders of Alamo, worn by the labors of the defense and broken in health, although not in spirits, were hourly becoming less able to hold their posts. March 6 a combined attack was made by the entire forces of the besiegers; twice they assaulted the posts, and were as often driven back with heavy loss by the Texan troops. A hand-to-hand encounter ensued, which the Texans, few and feeble, were unable to sustain, and but six of their devoted band remained. Among this number was the famous Davy Crockett, who, with the others, surrendered, under promise of protection; but when they were taken before Santa Anna were, upon his command, instantly cut to pieces, Crockett having been stabbed by a dozen swords. Other barbarities were committed, such as collecting the bodies of the slain in the centre of the Alamo, and, after horribly mutilating the re-mains, burning them. Only three persons, a woman, a child, and a servant, were spared. A few weeks after Santa Anna was routed with immense loss, and himself captured in the battle of San Jacinto, where the Texans raised the war cry, " Remember the Alamo!" It is estimated that during the siege of Fort Alamo the Mexican losses aggregated over 1,600 men. For many years, indeed until the close of the Mexican War, the Texans only needed to be roused to deeds of valor by the recollection of the massacre at the Alamo, and dearly did the neighboring republic pay for the butchery by Santa Anna and his forces.

What was some of Martin Luther ideas in the Reformation?

Martin Luther was not the only person involved in reformation other people such as Jan Hus, Peter Waldo, and John Wycliffe had made attempts at reforming the Catholic Church The selling/abuse of indulgences was a concern of Luther. The reform movement really gained momentum When Martin Luther wrote and made public "The Ninety-Five Theses". This was a list of questions and propositions (mainly about the abuse of indulgences) for public debate. There were many other teachings and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church that Luther and others were not happy with. For example, on a visit to Rome in 1510 Luther was greatly disappointed with the state of religion in Rome. "He was favourably struck, indeed, with the business administration and police regulations of the papal court, but shocked by the unbelief, levity and immorality of the clergy. Money and luxurious living seemed to have replaced apostolic poverty and self-denial. He saw nothing but worldly splendour at the court of Pope Julius II., who had just returned from the sanguinary siege of a town conducted by him in person". - History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff Luther also believed the scriptures should be available for the common people to read, he translated the Bible into everyday German. "Luther did not have in view the existence of an autonomous church alongside of the existing church. He desired the renewal of the church. He sought for good pastoral care, formulated the necessity for a better theology and expressed a desire for biblical piety". - Dr. Frank van der Pol from Christelijke Encyclopedie, (Kampen, 2005).

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What language is sanguinary?

Sanguinary means bloodthirsty. It's basically what you use to describe brutal murderers.

Use the word sanguinary in a sentence?

There was a desperate and sanguinary struggle in which the Indians must have suffered heavily.

What is the difference between sanguinary and sanguine?

"Sanguinary" refers to something involving or causing bloodshed or violence, while "sanguine" relates to an optimistic or positive outlook, often in a difficult situation.

What is the definition of bloodthirsty?

Eager to shed blood; cruel; sanguinary; murderous.

What are some words containing the root 'sangui'?

Some words containing the root 'sangui' include "sanguine" (optimistic or blood-red in color) and "sanguinary" (involving much bloodshed).

What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her 'sanguinary' persecution of the protestants?

bloody mary

What set of laws established that the punishment should fit the crime?

In the Maine state constitution section 9 reads, in part, Sanguinary laws shall not be passed; all penalties and punishments shall be proportioned to the offense; excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel nor unusual punishments inflicted." Unless your stste constitution has something similar, you're stuck with the current definition of sanguinary, which is very flexible. The generally accepted guidelines for determining Sanguinary punishments are; 1. much greater than punishments for similar crimes within the same juristiction. 2. Inflicting pain by physical torture. 3. punishments that are senseless, arbitrary, or otherwise do not contribute to public saftey by providing deterent or removing dangerous persons from society. All of these "definitions" are subject to re-interpretation on a case by case basis. 3.

What is the marseillaise?

"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France, so-called because it was sung by volunteers from Marseille when they arrived in Paris during the French Revolution. The song was written by Rouget de Lisle. The melody is famous and memorable; the lyrics are exceptionally sanguinary.

What is another word for blood thirsty?

Cruel, barbaric, violent, brutal, sadistic, animal, beastly, carnivorous, Torquemada, killer, barbarous, sharkish, slavering, wolfish, savage, murderous, atrocious, merciless, sanguinary, pitiless, ruthless, bloody, wild, feral, virulent, merciless, kill-crazy.

What are the common names of yarrow?

The scientific name is Achillea millefolium. Common names besides yarrow refer to its blood staunching properties such as soldier's woundwort, nosebleed, bloodwort, devil's nettle, sanguinary, stenchgrass, and old man's pepper. The millefolium part of the name means thousand leaves.

Words that are derived from the Latin word 'sanguis'?

Some words derived from the Latin word "sanguis" include "sanguine" (optimistic or blood-red in color), "sanguinary" (involving bloodshed or bloodthirsty), and "sanguinity" (the state of being optimistic or hopeful).

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