

What is scattering light?

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10y ago

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Scattered light are light particles that have bounced off of/ collided with an Object. Light is able to bounce off Liquid, Solids and Gas. The more transparent an object is the less reflection/scattered light is produced.

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10y ago

Tiny dust particles are present in earth's atmosphere , and when sunlight falls on them it gets diffused (spread) in a ll directions , That is why light reaches even those nooks and corners where it normally is not able to reach straight from its source.

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The scattering of light?

Scattering of light is called dispersion .

What is meant by the phrase 'light scattering'?

Light scattering refers to the process by which particles or obstacles in a medium cause light rays to deviate from their original path, leading to a change in the direction of the light. This phenomenon is responsible for effects such as the blue color of the sky, the white appearance of clouds, and the visibility of laser beams in the air.

Where can someone find information on light scattering?

One can find information on light scattering on the Wikipedia website. There is a comprehensive description of light scattering on that page including descriptions of the different types of light scattering.

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the scattering of light by colloids is known as tyndall effect. it is named after the scientist who discovered it.

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Scattering process refers to the interaction between particles or waves that result in a change in direction or energy. This can occur when particles collide or interact with a medium, causing them to change their path or lose energy. Scattering processes are fundamental in understanding the behavior of particles in various physical systems.

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the amount of scattering does not depend on wavelength..

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The scattering of light by colloids and suspensions is called Tyndall effect. This effect occurs when light interacts with particles in the solution or dispersion, causing it to scatter in all directions, making the beam of light visible.

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Bruce J. Berne has written: 'Dynamic light scattering' -- subject(s): Light, Scattering, Molecules