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Q: What is schwerpunkt?
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What part of the union line did picketts charge attack?

Pickett attacked the center of Union line deployed on Cemetery Ridge. The assigned point of breakthrough (schwerpunkt) was "The Angle", located at a point countersigned by a little group of trees, which were well visible from the starting point of the charge.

What two tactical errors did Adolf Hitler commit during Operation Barbarossa?

The two tactical errors committed by Adolph Hitler which had strategical ramifications were the failure to capture the enemy capital of Moscow and changing the point of attack (Schwerpunkt) to the Caucasus and the oilfields therein . (Not errors at the time but later developed into strategical blunders .)

The British press used Bliltz to refer to what type of German warfare?

Blitz comes from the German word "blitz krieg" meaning lightning war, it was the bombing of Britain during wwII. Yes, as above, the Blitz was the bombing of the British cities following the Battle of Britain in the autumn of 1940 & the first part of 1941. Blitzkreig was the combination of the use of panzer (Armoured) forces coupled with dive bombers & rapid movement through a spearhead (Schwerpunkt) attack.

What are at least 5 inventions or changes in methods and procedures unique to civil war to change the warfare in America?

First submarine First ironclad warship First rifle-barrelled cannon NEW RESPONDENT First armoured train. First repeating rifled gun. First mine sweeping device. First employment of iron wire for defensive purposes. First massive employment of field telegraph. First use of the system of "perforation" (Schwerpunkt) to break through the enemy fortified lines. First systematic use of trench and field fortification as fundamental element of maneuvered warfare. First extensive use of land and marine mine fields (called torpedoes at that time). First employment of machine guns. First use of total war as part of the Grand Strategy.

The differences in battlefield tactics between World war 1 and World War 2?

The major difference was in the use of tanks in mass scale and in schwerpunkt operations, in combination with the advent of mass aircraft, resulting in the German Blitzkrieg doctrine. The armour was a response to the machinegun that dominated the killing fields of WW1. WW2 also focused much more on mobility rather than sheer firepower, best described in the German offensive against France, and the German retreat against overwhelming soviet artillery (where the Germans evacuated the trenches meer hours before gigantic soviet barrages began, leaving the soviets with a poor result other than gaining a few km). Interestingly, the tactic favoured by Hitler in the beginning, mobility, he despised in the middle and end of the war, where he resorted to static defenses despite his generals recommendations.