

What is scientific name of the house cat species?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Felis catus.

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Q: What is scientific name of the house cat species?
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The scientific name for the common house cat is felis catus. what is its species name?

The species name for the common house cat is domesticus. So, the complete scientific name for the house cat is Felis catus domesticus.

What species is a house cat?

The Scientific name for a house cat is Felis catus.

What is the latin scientific name for house cat?

The Latin scientific name for the house cat is Felis catus.

Why doesn't it say anything about the scientific name for a kitten or cat when i typed in my quesetion it only shows what is the scientific for a house cat and other stupid stuff?

If your looking for a specific species of cat, try typing in the specie's specific name. The name "cat" may be too general for what you are searching for.Also, a cat and a kitten are one in the same. A kitten is simply a young cat: not a subspecies or separate species of cat.If you're looking for the family the cat species belongs to, the scientific term for that is known as Felidae.

Scientific name for a common cat?

The scientific classification for a cat is as follows: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Felidae, and Genus, Felis. The species name for a cat is Felis Catus.

What is the scientific name for the Bombay cat?

The Binomial name (or Scientific Name that involves ALL cat species) is called Felis catus.Peace and Love!

What is the scientific name for stray cats?

Felis catus. This is the Scientific name for the Domestic cat species.

What is the scientific name for a Persian cat?

The scientific name for a Persian cat is Felis catus.

What is the scientific name for house cats?

The scientific name for house cats is Felis catus.

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Smilodon fatalis is the scientific name of one species of saber toothed cat.

What is the Bombay cats scientific name?

The Binomial name (or Scientific Name that involves ALL cat species) is called Felis catus.Peace and Love!

What is the scientific name for a Saber-toothed cat?

The saber toothed cats are a subfamily that are known to scientists as the Machairodontinae. There were many genera and species, and each species has its own scientific name. One of the most famous of the saber toothed cats had the scientific name Smilodon fatalis.