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Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form a*10^b where 1 <= |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive). a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.
The practical applications are representing large and small numbers is a simple way.

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6mo ago

Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small by using powers of 10. It is written in the form of A x 10^n, where A is a number between 1 and 10, and n is an integer. Scientific notation is widely used in scientific and engineering fields to represent large quantities, such as distances in space or population sizes, as well as very small quantities, such as the size of atoms or molecules. It allows for easier understanding and comparison of these numbers.

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Q: What is scientific notation and what are its practical applications?
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