


Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is the expression of a number based on the largest exponent of 10 for its value, where the form is a decimal number A x 10n.

6,233 Questions

How do you write 0.0007 in scientific notation?

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0.0007 in scientific notation is 7 x 10^-4

How do you write fifty million in scientific notation?

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50,000,000 equals 5.0*10^7 in scientific notation

What is the scientific notation of human DNA?

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Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that are too big or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form.There may be such numbers associated with human DNA, but without something specific, we have no way of pinning it down.

What is the scientific notation of 104869.4572 l?

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The scientific notation of 104869.4572 liters is 1.048694572 x 10^5 liters.

What is the scientific notation for chocolate?

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Chocolate does not have a scientific notation because it is not a numerical value or quantity. Scientific notation is used to represent very large or very small numbers in a concise form.

What is the correct scientific notation for the number 0.99?

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The correct scientific notation for the number 0.99 is 9.9 x 10^-1.

0.00000042 written in scientific notation?

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4.2 x 10^(-7) please send me a trust point if this helps =]

How can you write 319 billion in scientific notation?

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The question is: How can you write 319 billion in scientific notation?

The easiest way for me to explain Scientific Notation is the form of writing a very large or a very small number, by using minimal numbers. For example; 319 billion is written 319,000,000,000. The first thing we do is arrange the number with the decimal point being behind the very first number. REMEMBER, the decimal point will ALWAYS be behind the first number. So we start off by writing 3.19. We then multiply this times 10 to a certain power to get billions. So therefore, in 319 billion, how many spaces do we have after the decimal if we put the decimal behind the number 3? For example, if I just wrote 3.19000000000. Because I put the decimal behind the first number, I now have 11 places after the decimal. Therefore, to write Scientific Notation, you would take the numbers 3.19 and multiply times 10 to the 11th power. That's because there are 11 spaces after the decimal. So to write it in its smallest form, you would put 3.19 x 10^11.

What is 5 times 10 to the negative 7 power?

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5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 1,953,125


59 = 1,953,125

What is the correct scientific notation for 62.605x10?

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Explain why 62.605 x106 is not the correct scientific notation. What is the correct way of expressing this scientific notation.

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What is 10 giga grams in scientific notation?

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Write 10 Gaga grams in scientific notation and convert the answer into imperial unites

63600000 in scientific notation?

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63600000 = 6.36 x 10^(7)

What the standard form of four hundred twenty thousand thirteen?

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The standard form of four hundred twenty thousand thirteen (420,013) is: 4.20013 × 105

How to write 21million using scientific notation?

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Asked by SherlynBenitezfb1840

21 million in figures is 21,000,000

In scientific notation it is 2.1 x 10^(7)

How do you write 2.1 thousand in scientific notation?

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Scientific notation only contains one digit before the decimal place and the rest are decimals and then the powers of 10 multiplied to get the original number is expressed by E(power of 10).

So the only digit in front of the decimal in this case would be 2.

Thus the numeric portion of the scientific notation would be 2.31 (the trailing zeros are ignored since they are not significant figures).

But what is important is what power of 10 to multiply to get the original number. Since to move the decimal point to the new place of 2.31, it had to move to the left 6 places, thus the power is a +6.

So the scientific notation would be (put the numbers together):

2 310 000 = 2.31E6.

Lets practice with a number that's less than one.

Similar to the top number, but different order of magnitude.

0.000 000 231

Numeric component is the same: 2.31

But to get the decimal to its right place it had to shifted to the right 7 places, thus the power of ten is a -7.

Put it together:

0.000 000 231 = 2.31E-7.

Easy right?

How much is 540000000000 in scientific notation?

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540000000000 in scientific notation is 5.4 x 10^11.

What is 0.000402 in scientific notation?

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0.000402 in scientific notation is 4.02 x 10^-4.

What is 100005 in scientific notation?

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Asked by Eneri21

100005 in scientific notation is 1.00005 × 10^5.

What is 50010 to the power of 3 in scientific notation?

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50010 to the power of 3 in scientific notation is written as 1.2515 x 10^12.

Why do bookkeepers use scientific notation?

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Bookkeepers use scientific notation in order to represent very large or very small numbers in a more concise and manageable format. By using scientific notation, bookkeepers are able to express numbers in terms of a coefficient and a power of 10, making it easier to perform calculations and interpret financial data. Additionally, scientific notation helps in maintaining accuracy and consistency when dealing with numbers of varying magnitudes.

How can you tell if a number written in scientific notation is big or small?

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In scientific notation, a number is expressed as a decimal multiplied by a power of 10. To determine if a number is big or small, look at the power of 10. If the power is positive, the number is big, and if the power is negative, the number is small. The higher the magnitude of the power, the larger or smaller the number.