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Sedna is a dwarf planet. It is to far away to be one of plutos moons and is proved to orbit the sun

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Q: What is sedna and how can be the scientist prove that sedna is a new planet or just the moon of Pluto?
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Related questions

What is dwarf planet sedna symbol?

The dwarf planet candidate Sedna (90377 Sedna) has no assigned symbol, and only Pluto and Ceres do.(see related article and lists)

What is the difference between Pluto and sedna?

sedna is red and Pluto is thought to be grey. Sedna is smaller then Pluto.

Is Pluto a planet I need a yes side and a no side to this and info must be accurate.?

Pluto is not a planet. It is considered to be a Dwarf planet like Ceres, Eris, and Sedna.

Why is the planet Sedna called the planet Sedna?

The planet Sedna is not actually a planet, just a small lump of ice and rock. In fact Pluto, the ninth planet in our solar system, has just been downgraded and is no longer considered a planet. Because of Sedna's frigid temperatures, the team who discovered the object named it Sedna, after the Inuit goddess of the sea from whom all sea creatures were created

How is Pluto more like Quaoar and Sedna than it is like Neptune?

Pluto, Sedna, and Quaoar are all solid objects with icy surfaces and are small when compared to the planets of the solar system. Saturn is a giant planet primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It does not have a solid surface.

What do scientist believe sedna is most likely to consist of?

Most scientists believe that Sedna is another planet, similar to Neptune. It is believed that the outer surface of Sedna consists of water, nitrogen ices, and methane.

Which planet would take longer to travel around the sun?

This depends on whether you count Pluto as a planet or not. If you don't, then Neptune has the longest orbit period (nearly 165 Earth years). If you do, then Pluto has a orbit period of 248.1 years. If you count Pluto, you might also count Sedna which takes 12,050 years. Sedna is 2/3 the size of Pluto and it's 960 times as far from the Sun as the Earth.

Is Pluto the only dwarf planet you know of?

There are several other dwarf planets in addition to Pluto. These include Eris, Sedna, Quaoar, Orcus, Makemake, Haumea, and the large asteroid Ceres.

How big is Sedna?

smaller then the moon and pluto.

What is a sedna?

Not "a" Sedna; just "Sedna". Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea. Also, a dwarf planet named after this goddess.

What planet replaced pluto?

Pluto didnt get replaced, its still there. There were other planets like Pluto that were discovered in the last couple of decades or so - the same sort of size and further out from the sun. These include Makemake and Sedna to name a couple.

What does Pluto have in common with sedna?

They are both dwarf planets.