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Neuromotor training approach to stimulate a damaged nervous system. Very important for patients who are unable to perform any purposeful and learned movements, even though they have no sensory loss. Basically, there is trouble understanding, decreased (or no) spatial awareness, 3 dimensional perception, understand how to use simple devices, etc.

The sensory motor techniques are used to reactivate the neuro-pathways through: quick stretch, tapping, vibration, light touch, EMG biofeedback, etc. Guided movements can also be used (like Christopher Reeves had done on a daily basis). The therapist would manually move affected limbs in different range of motions, etc.

There is much more to it than this, but hopefully it gives you a general idea. Maybe this post will get the ball rolling for other practitioners to add to the discussion....


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Its one on Jean "Piagets" 4 Stages of development.

In fact pure intuition, without use of the manmade idea 'ratio'

It makes children in many aspects 'wiser' than adults.

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