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Q: What is shortest veins in body?
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What are the veins in human body?

the veins are blue.

How many major veins in the human body?

There are 72,000 MAJOR VEINS in a regular human body.

What veins serve the gluteal area of the body?

Iliac veins

What is the function of the veins from the body?

The veins carry the blood in your body to all parts of your body;brain, fingers, toes, muscles.

Why do your veins come out on top of foot?

Because the veins in your foot are not as deep as other veins in your body are.

What are the different types of veins in the body?

pulmonary vein and systemic veins

Are there more veins or bones in the human body?

There are more veins by far.

How is your veins linked to other body systems?

The veins are what transport key nutrients to the rest of the body's systems. Without the veins, the body systems would not function. For example, the veins have pathways to the brain which relies entirely on the many nutrients the blood provides it.

How does a person get Kidney dialysis if their vains are too small?

Veins. You find bigger veins. There are very large veins in the body and so a doctor will insert a dialysis tube farther into the body where the veins are larger.

Where are veins?

Everywhere in the body.

Why are arteries found deep within the body and veins are found closer to the surface of the body?

arteries and veins are found throughout the body. arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry it to the heart

Where in the body are veins and arteries?

Veins and arteries are found throughout the body. Veins transport "used" or de-oxygenated blood back to the heart whereas arteries deliver oxygenated blood throughout the body.