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Q: What is sick made up of?
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What is the meaning of the saying sick as a pig?

The term sick as a pig refers to someone who is very sick. The term sick as a dog also refers to the same thing. These phrases were made up during the 1700s without any reasoning.

How is mucas made?

mucus is made by being sick. for example if u breath to much dirt and dust u sneeze and as u sneeze usually mucus comes up.(only if your sick or if getting sick) its also made of cells fiting so its dead cells and alive cells (mostly dead)

Are all dogs sick when they throw up?

Yes when a dog throws up the dog is sick like humans because when we throw up were sick. You can also tell if a dog is sick by feeling their noses, if it's dry they're sick.

If you take 3 birth control pills will it make you sick?

yes it's very likely it's to much hormones for your body at one time I did it and it made me very sick and I threw up

What made Einstein invent the first ever refrigerator?

He wanted something to put his food in and then he got sick of putting it in something else........i think if not look it up somewhere else.......i just made this answer up

How did Quentin Roosevelt cheer up his sick brother?

Quentin Roosevelt cheered up his sick brother by pretending to be a nurse and providing humorous entertainment. He dressed up in a funny outfit, sang songs, and made his brother laugh. Quentin's playful and loving nature brought joy to his brother during his illness.

What made Superman sick?


Make a sentence with the word sick?

I had to call in sick to work today because I have the flu.

What does SICKAGE mean?

Sick means vomit. SickAGE is not a real word, it does not mean anything, it is like slang, it is stupid and made up.

Why are fingernails clear?

so that we don't eat the germs which we touch along with our food and get sick. and fingernails are made up of dead skin

How can you sleep when your sick?

You can sleep when you are sick by taking medicine made especially for nighttime use.

What is another word for sick like your sick of this?

Fed up and had enough :)