

What is sign your John Hancock?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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write your signature

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Q: What is sign your John Hancock?
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Who was first to sign the decloration of independence?

john Hancock was the first on to sign for the united states.

Where did sign your John Hancock come from?

John Hancock was the first to sign the United States Declaration of Independence - hence sign your John Hancock. Actually, John Hancock was not the first to sign, signed his name largest. He was the President of the Continental Congress, but not the first to sign.

What does it mean to put your John Hancock on a piece of paper?

To sign your John Hancock is to sign your signature on something

What does it mean to sign in your john Hancock?

It means they want you to sign it.

Was John Hancock a paitriot or a loyalist?

John Hancock was a patriot, and the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Who was the first to sign the declaration?

John Hancock

Why didn't John Hancock sign the constitution?

he did

Why did John Hancock sign the declaration?

for independce

Where did the phrase sign your John Hancock come from?

It means to sign something.. Looking at the Declaration of Independence , you can see John Hancock's signature the clearest. He wrote it bigger then the rest and neatly. Put your John Hancock write your signature nice and bold!

Why do people sign their John Henry?

Because they aren't intelligent enough to sign their John Hancock

Where does sign your john Henry come from?

The phrase is actually "sign your John Hancock." and comes from the signing of the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock's signature is by far the largest signature on the document; he was also the first to sign the document.

Who was the first to sign the declaration of indpedence?

John Hancock