

Best Answer
  • Emus and kangaroos are both warm blooded vertebrates.
  • They breathe using a respiratory system involving nose, mouth and lungs.
  • They are native to Australia.
  • Neither creature is able to take a step backwards.
  • Both feature on the Australian coat of arms.
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12y ago
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12y ago

Similarities between donkeys and kangaroos include:

  • They are both warm-blooded, air-breathing mammals.
  • They both have a skin covering of fur.
  • Both feed their young on mothers' milk.
  • They have similar internal organs with similar functions, e.g. heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.
  • They both have long ears in proportion to their head size.
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Q: What is similar between kangaroo and elephant?
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What is the same between an elephant and a kangaroo?

They're both mammals

What is a cross between a kangaroo and an elephant?

The species are incompatible and cannot interbreed.

How do you tell the difference between an elephant and a kangaroo Answer it quick I got to figure this out?

An elephant is overweight and an unhealthy feeling animal and slow and a kangaroo is ideal weight and a healthy feeling animal and know their fitness!

What is the name of the young one of an elephant a kangaroo and a monkey?

A baby elephant is a calf. A baby kangaroo is a joey. A baby monkey has no special name - just baby monkey or infant.

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a full grown elephant?

Elephants cannot jump, so, yes, a kangaroo, or any other animal, can jump higher than an elephant can.

What Has big ears and likes hop?

a kangaroo

What exotic creature is the elephant related to?

An elephant is closely related with an elephant mouse. There is great size differences between the animals. The reason scientist say their related is because their sheletons are similar.

Which animal runs faster a camel a kangaroo or an elephant?

The Kangaroo. It can jump upto 20 feet forward in a single leap.

What is an animal that grows very large?

hippopotamus kangaroo alligator elephant

What are some kangaroo jokes?

A tourist visiting New York saw a restaurant which claimed it could supply any dish ordered, so he asked the waiter for kangaroo on toast. After a while the waiter came back and said "I'm sorry, sir we've run out of bread..."Why do mother kangaroos hate wet weather? Their kids have to play inside.What's the difference between an elephant and a kangaroo? The elephant has a better memory ...What do you get if you cross and elephant with a kangaroo? Great big holes all over Australia!Q. What book do kangaroos consult to find out about other kangaroos? A. Roos Who.

What the similar between African and Asian elephant?

Similar? Be more specific of what you want.Because I could say they were both big and that would be an answer. :D

What is the differnece between a kangaroo and a wallabe?

A wallaby is a species similar to a kangaroo that doesn't grow as large. A wallabe has nothing to do with a kangaroo, as it is a mystical creature with healing powers located in it's nasal glands, according to Urban Dictionary.