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All cells are smaller than human(except when you're comparing a chicken egg to an embryo)

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15y ago
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15y ago

Not all human cells are the same size. There are cells of almost every multicellular organism which are larger or smaller than human cells. All bacterial cells are smaller than human cells.

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15y ago

Some types of bacteria is smaller

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Q: What is smaller than human cell in the human body?
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Do smaller adult human have smaller cells than larger human or just more cells?

No, cell size doesn't change.

How big is the largest cell in the world?

The largest BODY cell in the body is the ovum (egg cell). Just a bit smaller than this period.

How big is a bacteria compared to a human cell?

The size of a typical bacterial cell is 0.5-5.0 micrometers, a average human cell is 10 micrometers.

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Tissue: a collection of cells.

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Organelles are of a level of organization smaller than a cell. Molecules are smaller than organelles.

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A sperm cell is the smallest cell found in the human body. The size of a sperm cell's tail is around 50 micrometers in length.

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There are more than 4 types of cells in the human body. There are about 200 different types of cells. Each cell has a different function.

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Organelle's are in cells, therefore organelles would be smaller than cells... I think

The human cell contains more than one meter of DNA?

In one human cell, there are 2 metres of DNA. Which means that a human has about 200 trillion metres of DNA in their entire body. No... theres 3.6m of DNA per cell

What is smaller than a cell?

an organelle