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Gastroenteritis is an infection of the gut. It causes diarrhoea, and may also cause vomiting, abdominal (tummy) pain and fever. In most cases the infection clears over several days, but sometimes takes longer. The main risk is dehydration. The main treatment is to have lots to drink, often this is with special rehydration drinks. Also, to eat as normally as possible. See a doctor if you suspect that you are dehydrating

* Reactive complications. Rarely, other parts of the body 'react' to an infection that occurs in the gut. This can cause symptoms such as Arthritis, skin inflammation, eye inflammation (conjunctivitis and uveitis). * Spread of infection to other parts of the body. This is rare. * Persistent diarrhoea syndromes may rarely develop. * Irritable bowel syndrome is sometimes triggered by a bout of gastroenteritis. See a doctor if any of the following develop, or if any other symptoms occur that you are concerned about. * If you suspect that you are dehydrating. * Blood in the diarrhoea. * Vomiting for more than 1-2 days, or diarrhoea that does not start to settle after 3-4 days. * Pains that are getting worse. * Drowsiness or confusion. * Infections caught abroad. Admission to hospital is sometimes needed if symptoms are severe, or if complications develop.

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Q: What is so deadly about Gastroenteritis?
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Is gastroenteritis a virus or a bacteria?

gastroenteritis is a virus

Is gastroenteritis deadly?

Yes it can. be Thousands of Children and elderly people die of gastroenteritis every year. This is why there are charities actively trying to raise money to give people in Africa and India access to clean and safe water. One of the ways people get gastroenteritis is from untreated river water.Death is due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which are easily reversed with a bit of simple medical care. Poor people who cannot afford medicine or clean water are the ones mostly, who die of gastroenteritis.

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What are the types of gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is the name of a symptom and sign of a disease. Many different virus cause this.

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What are the signs or symptoms of gastroenteritis?

Symptoms depend on the kind of gastroenteritis. Generally most gastroenteritis are accompanied with these common symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, and low grade fever. The intensity of these symptoms depends on the severity and type of gastroenteritis.

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How else is gastroenteritis known?

Gastroenteritis often is referred to as the stomach flu even though the flu is a respiratory illness caused by an influenza virus. Other common names for viral gastroenteritis include: food poisoning, winter-vomiting disease, non-bacterial gastroenteritis

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because bleach is deadly.!!