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Q: What is soap that makes your hands feel slippery?
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Why is soap so slippery?

because it has been in water and it makes the outside layer of the soap wet so if you cut a piece of sap in half and feel the middle it will not be slippery

What is alkali in?

It is in soap That is what makes it slippery

What do bases feel like?

bases will often feel slippery kind of like oil or soap

What pH feels slippery?

All alkalines (those with a high pH) feel slippery (like soap).

Are acids slipper?

I would say you are asking if acid is slippery. Bases have a denaturing effect on proteins that makes them slippery. If you touch bases, like drano or soap, you would find them slippery. Acids simply feel like water.

What makes bases slippery?

Strong bases feel slippery because they react with lipids in your skin, essentially turning the fats into soap. Touching strong bases can cause serious chemical burns and is not recommended.

Why is caustic slippery?

Caustic substances, such as lye, bleech, and soap, feel slippery because they dissolve the upper layers of your skin!

What feels slippery?

Things like soap, oil, ice, or water can feel slippery due to reduced friction between surfaces. Materials with a smooth texture or lubricated surfaces also tend to feel slippery to the touch.

Is Slippery Soap a boy or a girl from blues clues?

Slippery Soap is in fact a boy

Is acids or base slippery?

friction is a slowing force which happens when two surfaces rub against each other. Rough surfaces create stronger friction than smooth ones do. This is why slides are given smooth slippery surfaces. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to slide down a rough concrete ramp?

Why does NaOH appear to be slippery when touched with your hand?

It hydrolizes the fat on your hand into glycerin and fatty acids (as sodium salt). In fact, this is how soap is produced. You turned the outer layer of your hand into soap and that feels slippery :-D But this is NOT the normal way of washing your hands *g*

Why does bleach make your hands slippery?

Clorox bleach is a base, as opposed to an acid. The oils that the body generates are slightly acidic, and the bleach interacts with these oils to create a soap, which is the source of the slippery feeling.