

What is solube and insolube?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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what is insoluble mean

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A definition for solube?

Solube (in science) is when a solid will dissolve in a liquid

What is difference between a substance that is solube in water and one that is insolube in water?

There is no such thing as a soluble precipitate A precipitate a solid that is formed in a chemical reaction, therefor only a insoluble precipitate can occur, and the soluble would remain as a soluble solution. The difference between a soluble and insoluble precipitate is that a insoluble precipitate is incapable of dissolving in a liquid, and a solid is formed in the reaction, where as the soluble substance will dissolve in the liquid.

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What does insolube mean?

something that dissolves

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Are glass beads solube in water?

No, they are not.

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CaCO3 is insoluble in water.

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How does water dissolve the salt?

because salt is solube in water

Why isn't calcium carbonate insolube in water?

Calcium carbonate is almost insoluble in water.