

What is some history about zucchini?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Zucchini is a summer squash, which, like all squashes, are native to the Americas. Squash cultivation dates back to at least 7,000 BC, in what is now Mexico and Guatemala, and they were an important part of the ancient American diet of corn, beans, and squash, the "three sisters" of Native American culture. European explorers who came to the Americas brought squash back to Europe along with other foods that were new to them. The green summer squash eventually found its way to Italy where it was named zucchini. The French call it courgette, a name that has been adopted by the English, who also refer to a larger, plumper variety as vegetable marrow. Today zucchini is grown in Argentina, Turkey, China, Japan, Romania, and Italy, among other places.

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I love zucchini and grow it in my garden every year. Zucchini is pretty much tasteless, and takes on the flavor of whatever it is mixed in with it. I make zucchini bread with pineapple, nuts and raisins, chocolate zucchini bread, which tastes like brownies, lemon zucchini bread with nuts, zest of a lemon and lemon flavoring. With that being said, this is how I would do it. If you want zucchini to taste like apple pie use all the ingredients you normally use for apple pie, substituting zucchini for apples. Zucchini has a lot of water, so I think I would slice, chop it and put on paper towels to remove some of the moisture. I even think you could mix zucchini and apples.