

Best Answer

There is only one reason for a teenager to get pregnant. SOmebody just isn't thinking. Getting pregnant is the easy part. After that you are miserable for 9 months and then you have a child that you must care for for 18 years. Makes it real hard to have a social life or even to finish school. THINK

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Q: What is some of teenage preganancy reasons?
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This excessive sweating is called hyperhydrosis and the causes of this may can be some medications and manly starts in the teenage years. But often there aren't any reasons for this sweating.

How do you confirm preganancy?

Talk to your doctor.

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In February.

How do you get preganancy?

you must have sex with the opposite sex.

What are the reasons for teenage pregnancies nowadays?

well teen boys have sex with teen girls

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I would say yes.

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Periods do not make a pregnancy

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Some do and some don't.

How do I tell my teenage son the dangers of drinking?

Some of the facts about drinking can be a great way to help teach your teenage son. One fact could be that each year 8% of the visits to the ER are related to alcohol. Also that alcohol is one third of the reasons for drownings.