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loves someone else

wants divorce

lost her job

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Q: What is something a woman might tell her husband that shocks him?
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Name something a woman might get her lipstick on?

Her husband/boyfriend's cheeck!

Name something a woman might wish her husband had more of?

money, hair, time, muscles, love, energy, patience

Name something a woman might complain that her husband never wants to do?

Go out, clean, be intimate, cook, talk, shop, cuddle

What is the most important attribute a woman looks for in a husband?

The most important attribute that a woman looks for in a husband is somewhat a matter of opinion. A woman might look for a husband who shares her interests or her ideas. She might also look for a husband who is a good father or a good provider.

Name something a woman does in the bathroom that might annoy her husband?

takes too long hairspray too much perfume shave makeup

Name something a woman might leave lipsick marks on?

A woman might leave lipstick marks on....a tissue as she blots her lipson clothing she puts on after her make-upa cup she drinks from; a straw in a glasson a napkin when eatingon a lover or husband's shirt front or collaron a child's cheek after a kisson a lover or husband's lips after a kissetc.

Why might you want to somebody?

Well if your a woman with larger amount that your husband then get fit

Can a woman be in love with her husband and yet be in love with a friend who is a woman?

yes she might be lesbian but be in love with a man too

Is it ok for a husband to call a lady friend at 5 am with out telling his wife?

ANSWER: It is and it is not. Why your husband called this woman early in the morning could be something important. I'll give you some details and maybe you can ask your husband afterwards. It could be that they work together with some problem at work. Or your husband might be having problem with some project that he is doing and this woman is his partner. Why he never mentioned it to you? let just say he probably forgot it and it might not be important to tell you. Now another story, if this woman is not his co worker and called her, then something is going on between the two of them. That's the reason why he didn't tell you. Now your best scenario is talk to him and ask him face to face.

Name something a woman might have lipstick on?


Name something woman might get lipstick on?


What happens to a married woman who gets pregnant with another man?

It depends on how her husband reacts, what the woman wants to do, and other factors. Each sitution is unique, but she could stay with her husband, leave her husband for the other man, or something else.