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George Washington Carver was born as a slave and died as a rich scientist

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Q: What is something important about George Carver?
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Why George Washington Carver invented is important?

George Washington Carver is important because he discovered many uses for peanuts.

Why is George Washington Carver important to history?

he was gay

What man discovered over 300 uses for the peanut?

It was Dr George Washington Carver (1864? - 1943). He was from Missouri and was a very important agricultural innovator.

What did George Washington Carver do in his adulthood?

What did George Washington do in the early history

Why are George Washington carver's achievements considered important?

cuz hes important

George Washington Carver's most important inventions?

( . Y . )

Why is george washigtion carver so important?

George Washington Carver is important because he came from being a slave and was a very smart man. He is known for developing many different uses for the peanut.

Who was George Washington Carver and what was a few of his invention?

George Washington Carver is a very important Black History scientist invented peanut butter and sweet potatoes.

Why is what George Washington Carver did important?

he created my plant- fueled sumstances

The scientist who discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts?

George Washington Carver discovered peanuts and invented many things out of them.

How did the things that George Washington Carver do make him so important?

he made peaunuts

Who was older George Washington Carver or his brother James Carver?

George Washington Carver was older than his brother James Carver. George Washington Carver was born on July 12, 1864, while James Carver was born in 1866.