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The Sun (and Jupiter).

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Q: What is something mostly hydrogen some helium?
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What gases makes up the sun?

The sun's atmosphere has mostly hydrogen gas. There are smaller amounts of other gases such as carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium, nitrogen, silicon, helium and iron.

What are the gas components of stars?

Mostly Hydrogen and Helium and some other elements.

What gas is mostly Saturn?

hydrogen, although there is also some helium present.

The sun is composed of?

It is completely gaseous. About three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen, while the rest is mostly helium. Less than 2% consists of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, noen, iron and others.

Gas giants have atmospheres composed primarily of helium and what?

Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.Hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe.

What is the composition of planet Saturn?

Mostly helium with some hydrogen and methane. A trivial amount of other gases

What gases make up a nebula?

The atmosphere of Neptune is really 50% hydrogen,30% helium and 20% methane.

What element are stars mostly composed of?

hydrogen,All stars are composed primarily of hydrogen. Stars can also contain some other elements such as helium, but hydrogen accounts for the majority of a star's composition.

What are some of the elements found in stars?

All of them - but mostly hydrogen & helium.

What are some of Jupiter's features?

one of jupiters features are that it surface is mostly made of hydrogen and helium

What is the composition of the planet Jupiter?

Jupiter is composed of mostly liquid metallic Hydrogen, some Helium, and molecular Hydrogen. There are thought to be a mixture of elements in the core.

Is Jupiter made out of dust?

No. While there is some dust in Jupiter and its surroundings, the planet itself is made mostly of gasses, hydrogen and helium.