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Q: What is something you can hear but you can't see it but you can feel it but you can't touch it answer this question within 2 weeks?
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You will proably receive it within 4-6 weeks after they put out for the public in the stores.

Can you get influenza infection twice within two weeks?

It is probably anatomically possible, but you have something seriously wrong with you if that happens.

What is the average wait time for an answer on WikiAnswers?

It usually depends on the type of question you ask. If your question is simple, it may be answered within a few hours, but if your question is complicated, it may take several days, even weeks. If your question is very specific and complicated, your question may be answered within months. It all depends on the complexity and how specific your question is.

How do you play with a baby rat?

You shouldn't touch a rat until about 3 weeks, and that's only really if you have to, but you can play with it occasionally by just petting it. And giving it something to climb in, in the cage.

How long before you can touch the hamster's babies?

You can touch them as much as you like when they are AT LEAST three weeks old.

Can you touch newborn mice?

in about 5 weeks old from birth

Your wife had two consecutive miscarriage and dc after that within 4 weeks of pregnancy what can be the reason?

in general they say that misscarriages within the first trimester is due to something wrong with the fetus. It's natures way to deal with it.

How many weeks does a baby hamster will have hair?

**maybe** 10 to 2 weeks. heres a **trick** to find out. o k count from the day they were **born** then there you go

How long does it take to touch newborn puppies?

They are extremely toxic, do not touch them until 23 1/8 weeks.

How long before you can touch a newborn hamster?

You take them out when they are covered in fur or at 4 weeks . Then you can touch them and separate them by gender

What battle of the civil war made people think the war was going to be over in two weeks?

The question is somewhat misworded. Until the Battle of Bull Run, most people thought the war would be over within weeks.

How long is gerbil pregnancy?

4-5 weeks do not touch the baby until 10-12 weeks though