

What is source of wax?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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Q: What is source of wax?
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What must be added to wax to melt?

a heat source.

What is the source of the wax in the toilet gasket?

I believe it is bee's wax. I just installed a gasket in the small bathroom of my own home.

When working with wax what are some safety precautions?

Hair needs to be away from the wax. Sleeves need to be enclosed so that wax doesn't get into your sleeves. Safety goggles need to be close by if the wax gets above 60 degrees. In summary, protect yourself from burns or from getting something you are wearing in the wax or near the heat source that melts wax. And protect your eyes. Always.

Why do you have both really dry ear wax that sticks to you ear like a scab but isn't and also wet wax at the same time that i can't get rid of becaouse i constantly have buildup of wax?

ear candles are fake, they have the wax in it before you use it source youtube - SEARCH EAR CANDLES TRUTH

Can wax worms kill animals?

Wax worms are a widely used food source for both caged and wild birds, reptiles, amphibians, and small animals such as sugar gliders and hedgehogs. Wax worms are soft bodied, fat grubs with small heads. They make an excellent addition to your pets diet. Wax worms are about the best food for sick or malnourished animals, quickly allowing the animal to gain weight.One of the best ways to keep animals healthy is to provide a diverse diet. Wax worms are a fantastic way of providing nutritional diversity. Animals absolutely love the taste of them. Wax worms are easily digested and a favorite food source of many pets and fish.

How is convection related to the rise and fall of wax in lava lamps?

The heat source typically heats up to high temperatures and this means solid wax lava lamps must melt first.

How does wax in a lava lamp work?

The "lava" is a mixture of carbon tetrachloride, mineral oil and paraffin wax. The liquid it floats in is water. The light source is a 40-watt light bulb. When the bulb melts the wax, it will do the lava thing on its own.

Why doesn't the flame on a candle touch the wick?

Combustion after the appliance of a flame is maintained by the wax. Without the wax, the wick would be consumed in a matter of seconds. In order to slow the progression of the flame, wax impedes the fame. To keep the flame from burning out, once the wax becomes liquid, it will boil and give off a slight composition of combustible gases. Wax is flammable. Once the candle burns down, the wax at the bottom doesn't melt as easily as the top due to the constant heating and cooling cycles. Therefore, the flame is essentially snuffed out because the wick cannot burn any further as solid wax yields to a lower temperature than the wick can maintain. The wick basically gets too short.

Why does the wax in my lava lamp start to stay at the top after a while?

Can someone please help me!!! once i switch it of it floats back to the bottom and i don't know why? The wax and liquid are different densities. Density changes with temperature. When the wax is near the heat source, its temperature increases and it becomes less dense compared to the liquid and then it floats to the top. When it gets to the top, it cools down because it is farther from the heat source. When it cools down, it becomes denser than the liquid, and it sinks. So when you turn off the lava lamp, the wax and liquid cool to room temperature, and the wax is denser than the liquid so it stays at the bottom.

What sustains the flame of a candle?

The liquid wax. Once the candle melts the wax around the wick, it draws it up through the cloth wick in order to fuel the flame. Oxygen is also required for the candle to burn, but it is not the fires fuel source.

What is the source of vapor and carbon dioxide in a burning candle?

The reaction of hydrocarbon (i.e. wax) with oxygen Hydrocarbon + oxygen --> water + carbon dioxide