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As in relation to the word of God. spiritual deformity occurs at the point when the word of God is being in grafted in your spirit. The Bible say "as a man thinkest so is he" and the writer of 1st book of John says "what is born of God does not sin". The question can be "how many born Christians are sinning today? yet the bible say what is born of God does not sin. when we got saved, a seed of God (word) was in grafted in our spirit. the spirit of God and the spirit of man are different so as male and female garment. Normally deformity occurs at fertilization and in the process of growth. True as the bible says "what is born of God does not sin" because God possesses our spirit through his words, our life operates according to the word of God. Now if a person has been saved but lacks information of God and still there certain thing that he understood as collect information of God but the truth is that the information was incorrect. The shall mean that the person will be trusting God is wrong way hence unable to operate full in spiritual realm. it his spiritual potential is as big as tractor tyre but his level of maturity is 2yrs of boy. This is like 2yrs old boy trying to push a tractor tyre. +265888954377

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1mo ago

Spiritual deformity refers to a distortion or corruption of one's spiritual beliefs, values, or connection to the divine. It can manifest as a lack of moral compass, ethical integrity, or inner peace, leading to feelings of emptiness or disconnectedness from one's spiritual self. Healing and transformation often involve introspection, forgiveness, and realignment with one's core spiritual principles.

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What is Spiritual Atrophy?

Spiritual atrophy refers to a decline in one's spiritual health or well-being, often characterized by a lack of spiritual practices, disconnection from one's beliefs, or a sense of emptiness or drift in one's spiritual life. It can manifest as feelings of apathy, doubt, or disconnectedness from one's spiritual path or purpose. Regular spiritual practice, reflection, and mindfulness can help counteract spiritual atrophy.

What is the difference between a spiritual law and a spiritual principle?

A spiritual law is a universal truth that governs the spiritual realm, while a spiritual principle is a foundational belief or value that guides spiritual practices and behaviors. Spiritual laws are seen as immutable and govern aspects of existence, while spiritual principles provide guidelines for ethical and moral conduct.

What are spiritual blessings?

Spiritual blessings are gifts or benefits that enhance a person's spiritual growth, well-being, or connection with the divine. They can include inner peace, wisdom, spiritual insight, and a sense of purpose or fulfillment. These blessings are often seen as invaluable for personal development and the pursuit of a deeper spiritual life.

How many syllables in spiritual?

There are 4 syllables in spiritual:spi/ri/tu/al

What is a spiritual endeavor?

A spiritual endeavor is a pursuit or activity that is aimed at exploring, developing, or deepening one's connection to the spiritual or transcendent aspects of life. It can involve practices such as meditation, prayer, self-reflection, or engaging in rituals to cultivate a sense of inner peace, harmony, and a greater understanding of one's place in the universe.

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What is the meaning of deformity?

A deformity is a disfigurement.

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The plural of deformity is deformities

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The prefix of the word "deformity" is "de-".

Are dimples a facial deformity?

No, dimples are not considered a facial deformity. Dimples are a genetic trait that results in small indentations on the cheeks when a person smiles. They are considered a desirable feature by many people and are not associated with any health issues.

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she had a deformity of the hands and feet or deformity of bones and limbs

Can a deformed fish breed?

That would depend upon the species of fish and the level and type of deformity. If the deformity is genetic then the fish should not be bred. If the deformity is caused by environmental factors, then it could be bred, provided its deformity allows it to do so.

Is there a deformity when front lower ribs protrude?

Yes, there is a deformity when the front lower ribs protrude. This is commonly called pigeon chest. However, it is not a serious deformity.

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Osteotomy is the correcting of a bone deformity by cutting the bone.

What word means stunted as a result to deformity?

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Can a Mutation can be called a Deformity?

A mutation can be called a deformity, because a mutation is passed on, it is like a gene being passed down the pedigree, and in the pedigree there can be a deformity that will be passed on to the next generation. :.

How do you use deformity in a sentence?

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