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It's then condensation.

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Q: What is steam in a shower hits the curtain and turns into a liquid?
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What is it called when liquid turns into steam?

its called evaporation

What are Example of changes from liquid to gas?

water when heated in a kettle turns into steam

When water turns into steam what is this called?

When a gas turns to a liquid, this transformation is called condensation. Condensation.

How do you condensation and evaporation differ?

evaporation is when liquid gets hot and turns into steam condensation is wen liquid gets cold and turns into a fog like substance

What is the point of boiling?

100 °C or above, water (liquid) turns into steam (gas)

Steam is in what stage of the water cycle?

Well Vapor And Steam Are The Same Thing,In That Case It Would Be Evaporation Since Vapor/Steam When Liquid Turns Into A Gas :)

What does vaparized mean?

When a liquid turns into a gas. The steam that comes out of hot water is vaporized water.

What happens after liquid water evaporates and turns into steam?

The molecular structure of water remain unchanged.

Steam is to water as liquid is to?

steam is to liquid as smoke is to fire

Does liquid water boils as it turns to ice?

Steam condences into water, water freezes in to ice, ice melts into water, water boils to steam

What does the sun have to do with water power?

The energy from the sun turns liquid water molecules into water vapor, which is steam.

How are condensation and freezing different?

When steam or a vapor changes state to a liquid, it "condenses". When a liquid changes it's state to a solid, it freezes. It requires much more energy to change the state of a vaport to a liquid than it does to change the state of a liquid to a solid