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Q: What is supplying water to an area of land through canals or pipes?
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A way of supplying water to an area of land?

The main method of bringing water to dry land is to use canals or pipes for irrigation. In some cases, such as in California, a canal is used to transport the water across large, flat areas, and then it is pumped through pipes to go up and down steep hillsides.

What is the irragation system?

The irrigation system is the process of supplying water to a field etc... through a system of tunnels or canals that run through the field.

Method of supplying water from a main source by means of canals and ditches?

It is irrigation

Is when water is supplied to land by artificial means such as man-made canals?

Irrigation is the process of supplying water to land using artificial means such as man-made canals, pipes, or sprinklers to help plants grow. It is a crucial practice in agriculture to ensure crops receive enough water for optimal growth and yield.

Which temperature should water in pipes supplying cold water for domestic purposes not exceed?


How did the ancient Egyptians get water to dry areas?

The Ancient Egyptians got their water through irrigation (which they invented) they got the water from the Nile river which is the biggest river in the world. they made dtches and canals and wells.

What is a system for supplying water to an area by means of channels streams or pipes called?


How does pipes taking water save instead of open ditches and canals?

pipe prevent water from evaporation.

How does the local water supply get somewhere?

Through pipes through pipes

What does agueduct mean?

An aqueduct is a structure designed to transport water from one place to another, typically over long distances. It consists of channels, pipes, or canals that are constructed to carry water by gravity. Aqueducts have been used since ancient times as a means of supplying water for irrigation, drinking, and other purposes.

What is the use of canals ditches or pipes bringing water to a dry area called?

it is called irrigation

How did Mesopotamians create irrigation systems?

They used walls called levees around the river. It was basically a wall with tiny holes for the water to filter through.