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Q: What is suspicious infiltrates in both upper lobes?
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What is the meaning of suspicious infiltrates in both upper lobes?

Suspicious infiltrates in both upper lobes refers to something happening in the lungs. This will need to be checked by a physician for suspicion of a more serious problem.

What is the meaning of suspicious densities?

suspicious densities are seen in both upper lobe

What does no definite active parenchymal infiltrates in both apices mean?

what does the lung volumes are significantly diminished. no definite infiltrates or effusions. mild multilevel degenerative change is noted in the thoracic spine mean.

What is a temporallobe?

You have four main lobes in the cerebrum A) Frontal lobe (located behind your forehead) B) Temporal lobes (underneath your temples, both sides) C) Parietal lobes (the walls of brain posterior to the temporal lobes, both sides) D) Occipital lobe (at the very back of the head)

What are ground glass infiltrates on an x-ray and what does that diagnosis mean?

there are two causes which i am certain to cause ground glass infiltrates, ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) and a much rarer condition called Cryptogenic organising pneumonia.. ground glass infiltrates refers to involvement of both the alveoli and the pulmonary interstitium which occurs in both the conditions resulting in homogenous density film on a plain XR of the chest...

If both parents have detached ear lobes can they have a child with attached ear lobes?

Yes they can, because they could get the genes from a grandparent, or even farther back if they didn't have detached ear lobes.

What is right basilar infiltrates?

Right basilar infiltrates is a medical term that is referring to the bottom right portion of the lungs. Infiltrate means that there is something other than air in lungs.

Which side of the lungs has 3 lobes?

The left lung has only two lobes and the right has three.

Why are secondary bronchi called lobar bronchi?

The secondary bronchi go into the LOBES of the right and left lung. There are 3 lobes in the right lung and 2 lobes in the left lung, both having lobar bronchi.

How many lobes are in both lungs combined?

what does each lobe consist of

How many lobes does the left lung have in a fetal pig?

Both have 3 .

Had Heath Ledger any piercings?

yes, both ear lobes