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I believe it is called "exhaustion" but do not take my word for it.

I hope this helps somewhat.

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Q: What is t called when you use up all your resources?
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What are some examples of scarcity in the economy?

scarcity is when you use up all of natural resources and capital resources plus human resoures. so if we use up all of our resources we will have no resources to create anything. gas will not be a factor shelter would not be a factor.all of the resources will be use up.

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you can use all resources.....there isn't a resource that you cannot use

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we can use it all up till it s gone

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you know, no one really knows for sure because people might discover new resources or we might just have to use up all or our resources. but i guess we are making more.

Can you explain why protecting the earth's resources is important?

Because we will eventually use up all the available resources and we'll have to start searching for substitutes.

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Conservation of resources is necessary because the resources won't last forever. Conservation of them allows scientists to come up with new resources. Resources should also be conserved because they are necessary for life.

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If we use all the resources then the land mass where the reources existed will become fuel-resource deficient or empty fuel resources.

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This depends on the rate of expansion of the global population. If the population exceeds at a quicker rate than resources and space are utilised/expanded, not long at all.

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They are called non-renewable resources.

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a nonrenewable resource

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by using renewable resources

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by using renewable resources