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The mixture is black powder more commonly known as gunpowder. The particular ingredients you mention are for black powder a common explosive.

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Q: What is tahat mixture when Potassium Nitrate Charcoal and Sulfur that can be used in gunnery time fuses and fire works?
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How do you make gun powder?

A mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulphur in a 75:15:10 ratio

Chemical formula of gunpowder?

Gunpowder is a finely ground mixture of Potassium Nitrate (75%), Sulphur (10%) and Charcoal (15% w/w). The mixture burns extremely quickly, evolving gases which increase the reaction volume and thus make it a powerful propellant.

What was 18th century gun powder made out of?

Black powder was made of a mixture of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter (Potassium Nitrate)

How do you separate a mixture of oleic acid and solid potassium nitrate and powdered charcoal?

Potassium nitrate is soluble in water, the solution is filtered and evaporated.Oleic acid is soluble in ethanol and separated by filtration and evaporation of the alcohol.

How did the ancient Chinese make black powder?

Black powder, also known as gunpowder, is a mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal (carbon).

What materials make sulfur explosive?

sorry- we don't give advice on making explosives. --------- The gun powder is a mixture of sulfur, potassium nitrate (or sodium nitrate( and granulated charcoal. Nitrates act as oxidants.

You are given a mixture of sulfur potassium nitrate and carbon and asked to separate the components so you end up with a pile of solid sulfur a pile of solid potassium nitrate a pile of solid carbon?

So, you have a pile of gunpowder and you want to separate it. Right? Here's are some clues: Saltpeter (potassium nitrate) is soluble in water. Sulfur and carbon are not. Furthermore, sulfur is soluble in acetone but carbon is not. This assumes that you have pure carbon and not charcoal powder. Depending on the quality of the charcoal powder, it could be more or less soluble in different substances. But let's just take your teacher at his word: Carbon is carbon. If there is enough differential in particle size you could sift the mixture through a screen but that doesn't guarantee you'll get ALL the carbon, sulfur or saltpeter out of the mix. If the particles are all the same size that won't work at all. (OR) here is a better phrased answer: Answer: Gunpowder is a mixture of sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (nitre). When water is added to the mixture potassium nitrate dissolves. The mixture is then filtered. The filtrate is potassium nitrate solution while the residue is a mixture of sulphur and charcoal. The filtrate is evaporated on a sand bath to obtain nitre back. When carbon disulphide is added to the residue, sulphur dissolves. When this mixture is filtered the filtrate is sulphur solution while the residue is charcoal. Leaving it open evaporates the sulphur solution. Carbon disulphide evaporates and sulphur crystals are left behind.

Is niter an element or compound or mixture?

Niter is potassium nitrate, which is a compound.

Is potassium nitrate a compound element or mixture?

compound, ionicly bonded

Why is gun powder a mixture?

The original black gunpower was a mixture of 2 elements (sulfur, charcoal) and a compound (saltpetre). Modern gunpowder s a mixture of several different copunds, including nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin.

What elements make up gunpowder?

tree elements.a nitrate, typically potassium nitrate (KNO3), which supplies oxygen for the reaction;charcoal, which provides carbon and other fuel for the reaction, simplified as carbon (C);sulfur (S), which, while also serving as a fuel, lowers the temperature required to ignite the mixture, thereby increasing the rate of combustion.