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In the 1800's they just called it rabies like we do now Hydrophobia is synonymous with rabies.

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Q: What is the 1800's name for rabies?
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Can you cure rabies in the 1800s?

yes i can, i just need a time machine and some penicilin :P

What is the name of the disease caused by rabies?

It is called "Rabies".

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What was the name of the man who invented the vaccine for rabies?

Louis Pasteur invented the vaccine for rabies in 1885.

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Who started rabies?

I believe it was a Polish monk by the name of Ted who started rabies after procreating with his sickly pet aardvark.

Where does the name lachie mcrobb come from?

the name lachie mcrobb orginated from a ginormus dog who caught rabies. he jumped in a lake in a desperate attempt to get rid of his rabies. lach meaning lake and 'ie' meaning rabies. mcrobb came from my family.

What is scientific name for rabies?

It is part of the rhabdovirus family.