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weapons and food

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Q: What is the 2 items that europeans brought to Asia?
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What event brought Asia brought about the end of World War 2?

The atomic bomb

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How did World War 2 play a role in the eventual decolonization of Southeast Asia?

During World War II, Japanese controlled much of Southeast Asia from European nations. When the Japanese ruled the area, it showed them that Europeans were far from invincible. When the war ended, the Japanese left Southeast Asia. Europeans then wanted the land back. But many of the people of Southeast Asia did not want to live under the Europeans any longer. Southeast Asia eventually won independence and new nations were formed.

What effect did world war 2 have on Asia?

Aside from the misery brought about by the war, its overall impact on Asia was positive. It brought the end of Western colonial rule. It signaled the beginning of brighter times for the people of Asia. Today, Asia has grown to become the epicenter of the global economy, with China, Japan and India as the key countries.

Why were Europeans so much more successful in establishing territorial empires in the Americas then in Africa and Asia?

The Europeans were more advanted technology wise than Africa and Asia. During this time, the Europeans were coming to Africa and capturing people and using them as slaves. Europe had modevations: 1. Spread Religion 2. Find new trade routes 3. Gain more land These were great incentives for the Europeans. Hope this helps!

What was one effect of European trade in Southeast Asia?

1) The British colonized India. 2) India was under British rule for over 50 years. 3)The influence of Western ideas apex: the influence of western ideas or brought Christianity to Asia

What were 2 negative effects on native Americans with their alliances with Europeans?

Many native American tribes were ousted from their homelands or persecuted to extinction or near-extinction by the colonists. Europeans also brought diseases that were formerly confined to the Old World. Native Americans had not developed the resistance to these diseases and many died.

Which 2 European country's were the Europeans from?

Europeans come from all European countries.

What is the 2 biggest state in Asia?

China and Russia are the 2 largest countries / states it the continent of Asia.

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dual price items are items with 2 prices

What 2 continents collide with turkey?

Europe and Asia