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Q: What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges for alcohol?
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What is the AMDRs?

Acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges. 45%-65% should come from carbohydrates. 20-35% from fats, and 15-20% from protein.

What is AMDR means in nutrition?

Describes the portion of the energy intake that should come from each macronutrient AMDR in Nutrition stands for Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges.It can also be understood as the calorie composition of a diet that gives adequate energy as required and other nutrients. For example AMDR for carbohydrate is 45%-65%, fat is 20%-35% and of protein is 10%-35% of your total Kcal intake.

What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges recommendation for Carbohydrates?

50% of total Kcal needs for a healthy diet and 45% off total Kcal neds for a diabetic diet plan

What 2002 Dietary Reference Intake report was established for Kcalories?

The EER or the Estimated Energy Requirement. But they also established the AMDR which is the Accepted Macronutrient Distribution Ranges.

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An age distribution is the number of people in stated age ranges.

What is an age distribution?

An age distribution is the number of people in stated age ranges.

What kind of report contains information outside normal or acceptable ranges?

Ad hoc

Explain how mountain ranges and climate can each limit a species distribution?

Mountain ranges limit a species distribution by limiting movement because it acts like a natural barrier. Climate limits a species distribution by affecting the richness of a landscape, which may limit food and shelter.

What percentage of australians drink alcohol?

The figure ranges from 80-86%

What how mountain ranges and climate can each limit a species distribution?

Mountain ranges may limit a species distribution by acting as a natural barrier. For example, if a mammalian has a family that needs to have nourishment and the food is on the other side of the mountain, the family may starve to death.

Are there red pandas in Russia?

No, its endemic distribution only ranges from western Nepal to southwestern China.

What are the acceptable ranges for PH?

pH ranges from 1 (acid) to 14 (base). As far as acceptble range, you need to make clearer what else you need to pH range of blood.