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Q: What is the American College Vote?
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Which early American president did not win either the popular or the electoral college vote?

John Quincy Adams, in 1824.

Where the party candidates campaign to win in the electoral college?

U.S. Presidential candidates campaign to the American people, then the electoral college is appointed based on the popular vote in each state.

What does it mean when the Electoral College rubber stamps the popular vote?

It Means that the Electoral College approves the vote

How can Obama be president?

Well, he won the popular vote AND the electoral collage which is a big plus as we have learned you only really need one of the two in American elections which upsets some people. When the popular vote and the electoral college differ the winner of the electoral college gets the office.

Is your vote for president and vice president meaningful in the electoral college system?

Yes it is, as long as you have the right age to vote your vote counts in the Electoral College System by one simple vote there can be many outcomes.

Does the electoral college vote on policies?

The electoral college does not vote on policies. The electoral college performs only one function. It elects the president of the United States.

In the Grant elections which vote got Grant in office the overall popular vote or the electoral college vote?

popular vote

How have the political parties changed the electoral college?

The electoral college now reflects each state's popular vote.

Why vote when the electoral college deterimes the outcome?

The popular vote in each state selects the electors who will vote in the Electoral College. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

Who do the people vote for to turn in their cast vote for the presidential candidate?

The Electoral College

Who do the people vote for in turn cast their vote for a presidential candidate?

The Electoral College

When did The Great American Dream Vote end?

The Great American Dream Vote ended in 2007.