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All aspects of Amish life are dictated by a list of written or oral rules, known as Ordnung, which outlines the basics of the Amish faith and helps to define what it means to be Amish. For an Amish person, the Ordnung may dictate almost every aspect of one's lifestyle, from dress and hair length to buggy style and farming techniques. The Ordnung varies from community to community and order to order, which explains why you will see some Amish riding in automobiles, while others don't even accept the use of battery-powered lights.

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Q: What is the Amish Ordnung?
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Who makes the rules in the Amish culture?

The bishop has final say, but the ordnung is developed through consensus.

What is the Amish Bible?

The sacred text that the Amish use is the Bible. Those of the Amish faith are Christian. The Amish also have a set of rules governing how they should live their lives, this set of rules is called the Ordnung.

Are the Amish a cult sect or state church?

Neither. It's not a state church; no government has given special recognition as a state church. While the Amish qualify as a sect, in that there are established doctrines and rituals, it is not a cult. It's not a new, faddish religion with obsessive adherents. It is, instead, several centuries old. and it is based on belief in the Bible as literally true, something many fundamentalist churches claim to do, although the Amish actually mean it. The Amish do not obsess on their religion, either. They tend to follow the ordnung because it was how they grew up, and do not hesitate to modify the ordnung when appropriate. When the Amish move to an area where there is no local Amish community, they tend to attend Methodist churches, which is another non-obsessive peace church, albeit a mainline one.

Do different Amish sects live in the same community?

Yes and no, depending on what you mean? A Amish community is ruled as a single sect, with the Ordnung rules apply to all members the same, but seldom happens perfectly. But a community can be made up by any number of plain members, from any type of group including Mennonite, but all must conform to that sects current Ordnung regardless of previous allowable or non allowable technology or behavior.

Do Amish people smoke?

Yes, some do, even growing tobacco. I have never have seen one do so, but I have been told so, by the Amish themselves. Remember, each comunity is different and so is Ordnung, some do and some do not.

Are the Amish baptized by the trinity or in the name of Jesus?

They are pledged to Christ and his church. They are asked to renounce the devil, as well, and to pledge obedient submission to the ordnung. Adult baptism only, and not normally by submersion.

Can a blank man convert to Amish?

It is very rare for anyone, of any race, to convert to the Amish faith. It is difficult for an adult to adopt the lifestyle of following the ordnung, and conversion is discouraged, as it is thought that the convert will introduce unacceptable behaviors and thoughts to the congregation. Romans 12:2 is the basis for this belief.

What does in Ordnung mean?

In Ordnung - fine, in order, ok.

Why do the Amish not read these questions?

Most Amish don't use technology. They see it as a distraction, and they have other religious views about it. Each Amish community has a sort of "rulebook" called an Ordnung that is different for each community- for example, one community might be allowed to have a telephone for the entire community, and for another it wouldn't be so. Also, a lot (NOT ALL) Amish people don't feel comfortable with associating themselves with non-Amish peoples and/or don't feel a need to explain themselves. Some people were Amish when they were younger, though, and have "converted" to a non-Amish lifestyle, so don't be surprised to see answers from once-Amish people.

What does bist du in Ordnung mean?

bist du in Ordnung = are you okay

What is the word 'Ordnung' when translated from German to English?

Ordnung is German for order, good order, tidiness, order (in the sense of sequence). Note also in Ordnung as in Das ist in Ordnung - that is fine, ok, in order.

What are some Characteristics of the Amish?

The Amish don't believe in motorized machines, they wear plain clothes, women wear dresses and bonnets men wear straw hats also men grow beards but no mustaches, and women never cut their hair.