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Q: What is the Average slip and fall settlement in Canada if the defendant was at fault?
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The settlement would depend on the situation. If it is from a auto accident the settlement would depend on the limits of the at fault driver of the limit on the under of uninsured limits of the non fault driver.

In small claims what if the defendant is a no show?

If the defendant does not show up in small claims court, the judge may enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. This means that the plaintiff wins the case by default since the defendant did not appear to defend themselves. The plaintiff may then be awarded the relief requested in their claim.

Average settlement in a front end accident?

Amount of settlement is dependent on how much damage has occurred, and who was listed at fault on the police report.

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you shouldnt settle for less than 500,00.00..i got more but i had the company by the balls ,the driver was completely at fault.

What is Georgia's last clear chance rule under its comparative negligence laws?

Georgia's last clear chance rule in its comparative negligence laws states that even if the plaintiff's negligence contributed to the accident, the defendant can still be held liable if they had the last clear chance to avoid the accident but failed to do so. This rule allows the plaintiff to recover damages even if they were partially at fault.

Injury claims how much does the at fault or no fault insurance pay?

The fair amount due for your injury. In a no fault or PIP state your coverage/policy pays you much eclipse the thresold before a settlement is available.

Where do a find a motion for nondisclosure by defendant for Texas?

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If an insurance company made a settlement offer and a check was to be written when they realized they were not the at-fault's insurer at the time of the accident are they still liable?

NO, They are not liable if their insured was not at fault or was not their insured regardless of whether a check had already been written or not. In fact should they have issued a settlement check and later determined they were not liable, The insurer can demand a refund of the settlement amount they issued.

Can I obtain a cash settlement after a car accident?

Yes, you can infact obtain a cash settlement after a car accident. Once a party is found at fault and proper court proceedings have been gone through a cash settlement can be obtained

Is the homeowner liable for an independent contractor's injury if the accident was the sole fault of the contractor?

No. In an injury case, the plaintiff must show how the defendant was responsible for the injuries. Since, in this case, you say the injury was the contractor's fault, you would have no liability.

How long is the average fault?

There is really no "average" fault because all of the fault lines on the earth join together. There are names for different sections of the fault lines, most notably the one in the Pacific Ocean called the mid-Pacific oceanic ridge.