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238U------239U------ 239Np-------239Pu------240Pu------241Pu-----242Pu

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U-238 undergoes neutron capture to form U-239 which decays to Np-239 and further to Pu-239. Pu-239 then undergoes beta decay to form Pu-241. The balanced nuclear equation is: U-238 + n --> U-239 --> Np-239 --> Pu-239 --> Pu-241.

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Q: What is the Balanced nuclear equation for uranium 238 to plutonium 241?
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Does nuclear power have uranium in it?

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What is the Balanced nuclear equation Uranium 235?

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Is plutonium limited?

Plutonium is obtained from uranium irradiated in nuclear reactors, consequently the production of plutonium depends on uranium resources.

Is plutonium the result of of the alpha decay of uranium?

Yes, plutonium is typically formed as a result of the alpha decay of uranium in nuclear reactors or in nuclear weapons. It can also be produced artificially in nuclear reactors by bombarding uranium-238 with neutrons.

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The first step is an alpha decay to (guess what!) uranium 235. You can probably take it from there.

Why do you use uranium and plutonium in the reactor?

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Where does uranium and plutonium come from?

Uranium and plutonium are naturally occurring elements found in the Earth's crust. They are formed through processes like nuclear decay of other radioactive elements or through supernova explosions. Both uranium and plutonium are used as fuel in nuclear reactors and in the production of nuclear weapons.

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The plutonium cycle is a process in nuclear reactors where plutonium-239 is created from uranium-238. This plutonium is then used as fuel in nuclear reactors to produce energy. The plutonium cycle helps to maximize the energy output and efficiency of nuclear power plants.

What are some Sources of nuclear energy?

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Uranium, plutonium or hydrogen.

Is plutonium easy to find?

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