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There is actually no such language as "Belgian". The official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.

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Q: What is the Belgian word for hope?
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How do you say Belgian in French?

Belgian in French is "belge."

What is a sentence with the word Belgian?

Belgian means someone from the country of Belgium. Hercule Poirot was a famous literary Belgian.

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What is the Belgian word for yesterday?

There is actually no such language as "Belgian". The official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.

What is Luxembourg ham?

Luxembourg is a type German, French and Belgian cuisine. So the ham is a type of German, French and Belgian kind of ham. :) Hope it helps

Translate the word for welcome in Belgian?

There's no such language as "Belgian". The three official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.

What is the Belgian word for mom?

There is actually no such language as "Belgian". The official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.

How do you say godson in Belgian?

'Belgian' isn't a language. in Belgium, the northern part speaks dutch, the southern part speaks french. the dutch word for godmother is 'meter' the dutch word for godfather is 'peter'

Which horse is larger Belgian or Clydesdale?

This question really depends on the horse itself. Overall, I would say that the Clydesdale would be stronger, as I think they were used in olden times pulling carriges, farm machinery, etc. But it really does depend on the individual horse, as I bet there are Belgian Horses that are stronger than Clydesdales, but also Clydesdales that are stronger than Belgian. Hope this helped :)

What is a slang word for buffalo?

I was raised believing Buffalo was the slang name for Belgian people

Are you considered to be Belgian if your father was Belgian but not your mother?

If you were born in Belgium you are a Belgian

What is the Belgian word for tragic?

Belgian does not exist. So you must mean the Belgian dialect of French or the Belgian dialect of Dutch (Flemish). I'm assuming you mean Flemish. If you define tragic as 'very sad', then the translation would be 'tragisch.' This word is pronounced "TRA-khees". The 'r' in this word is pronounced somewhat similarly to the Spanish 'r'. The 'kh' is hard to pronounce, but if you are familiar with Dutch, German, or Arabic it should be possible. If you wanted to say, "That's tragic", you would say, "Dat is tragisch." However, if you mean French, the word would be 'triste', pronounced "tgheest". The 'gh' is a modified version of the 'kh.'