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The Eastern Orthodox Bible, that is, The Bible used by the Orthodox Christian Church, is that set of scriptures received from the early days of the church. It is in large measure the same as the Protestant bible.The Orthodox version of the Old Testament scriptures is officially the "Septuagint", a translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek made well before the birth of Christ by a group of (nominally) 70 Hebrew scholars - "sept" referring to the number 70. The Septuagint is believed to be the translation of the OT scriptures in use in Jewish synagogues, and thus by the early church. No English version is univerally used by the Orthodox. KJV and New American Standard are often used.

The Old Testament includes the all the books of the Protestant scriptures (such as King James), though with some of the books of the Old Testament still retaining the names used anciently (such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Books of Kings (or "Reigns"), rather than 1st and 2nd Samuel and 1st and 2nd Kings -- look at the beginning of 1st Kings in a KJV; you'll see that its says that the book is also known as 3rd Kings.) The Psalms retain the numbering used before a well-known renumbering by Hebrew scholars; the same changes are used in Protestant Bibles. The renumbering causes most of the Psalms to be one number higher in Protestant Bibles than in Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bibles.

The New Testament is the same among the Orthodox, Roman Catholics, and Protestants.

The major difference in the scriptures is the continued inclusion by the Orthodox of the books called the Apocrypha ("hidden") that were in the first versions of KJV, but were dropped by the Puritans and subsequent Protestant groups. This group is also called the "Deuterocanonical" books, meaning a "second canon". The books in the Orthodox Apocrypha differ slightly from the group of Apocrypha books used by Roman Catholics. The Orthodox Church does not use the Apocrypha its services.

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In English, the Bible.

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