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I assume you're asking for the scientific name of the Black Anaconda, since 'black anaconda' would be a common name.

Unfortunately, 'black anaconda' is not a well-known common name, so it is difficult to guess which species it refers to. This is why scientific names are used when the identity of a species is important.

There are only four species in the genus Eunectes, so that dramatically cuts down on the possibilities.

Eunectes beniensis: The Bolivian Anaconda (I can GUESS that this MIGHT be the black anaconda, because these animals tend to be very dark in color, but I was unable to find any reference to that being a known common name for them).

Eunectes deschauenseei: The Dark-Spotted Anaconda (other names for this animal include De Schauensee's anaconda).

Eunectes notaeus: The Yellow Anaconda (other names for this animal include Paraguayan anaconda).

Eunectes murinus: The Green Anaconda (The animal everyone thinks of when you say 'anaconda', and the heaviest snake species on Earth). Other names for this animal include 'common anaconda', and 'water boa'.

Anacondas are a genus of boas that are all native to South America. They use constriction to kill their prey, and give live birth to their young.

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