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Q: What is the Christian symbolism of the flood in the story of noah?
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Did the story of Noah's flood come from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Certainly the story of Noah's Flood is remarkably similar to the Flood story of Umapishtim in the much older Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. On that evidence, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the most likely source for the story of Noah's Flood.

What does the story of noah and the flood illustrate?

care for our world

Did Abraham live before or after the flood?

Abraham lived after the flood, according to the Bible. The flood story is associated with Noah, who was a few generations before Abraham.

The story of noah and the flood is in the book of the bible called?

The Flood is described in Genesis 6-10.

Who was first in the Bible Moses or Noah?

Noah. The Story of Noah and the Flood are found in the book of Gensis where Story of Moses and the Israelites is found in the book of Exodus.

Which story has a parallel version in the Old Testament?

The story of Noah in the oldtestament and the story of the flood in the epic of gilgamesh.

Are black Africans descendants of Noah?

If the story of Noah and the biblical Flood is literally true, then absolutely everyone is descended from Noah. However, there are sound and convincing reasons for believing that the story of Noah and the biblical Flood is not literally true. Black Africans do have the same ancestry as the rest of humanity, but this was far earlier than the biblical story.

Why does the olive branch mean peace?

The Olive branch has been used as a symbol for peace and goodwill for thousands of years. The symbolism is related to the biblical story of Noah and the great flood. Noah sends out a dove to find and bring back evidence of dry land. The dove returns with a olive leaf in its beak, as proof that the flood had subsided. The story of Noah could be used to show the struggle between Man and God. God has sent a flood to destroy all but the best of Mankind, and sending the dove with the olive leaf is Gods way of telling Mankind [Noah] that the war or struggle between them is over.

What is the biblical symbolism of Noah's Ark?

Noah's Ark is a symbol both of judgment and of salvation. The judgment is in the worldwide flood which made the Ark a necessity. The salvation is in the Ark itself which 'saved' the righteous remnant, Noah and his family from destruction.

Who are Noah's descendants?

A:If the biblical story of Noah and the great worldwide flood were true, we would all be descendants of Noah - every single one of us. However, scientists dismiss the Flood story as purely mythical, as do many theologians and biblical scholars. On this view, Noah did not really exist and therefore does not have any descendants.

How does science look at Noah's Flood?

Many scientists view the story of Noah's Flood as a mythological or religious narrative rather than a historical event. The geological and archaeological evidence does not support the occurrence of a global flood as described in the Bible. Instead, scientific explanations point to local flooding events that may have inspired the story.

When was the first time a flood ever happen?

The Biblican story of Noah's flood that occured over 7 thousand years ago