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Q: What is the Common Peafowls predators?
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Related questions

What animal eats a peafowls?

Tigers are their main predators.

What eats peafowls?

Peafowls eat fruits and plants

What do peafowls eat?

Peafowls eat fruits and plants

Why are peafowls important?

Peafowls are female peacocks. Without any peahens, there would be no way for peacocks to reproduce.

Are peafowls endangered?


Where do peafowls live?

native to asia.

How many Indian peafowls are left in the world?

The Indian or blue peafowl is a common species. No exact figures are known, but the species is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.

Can Peafowls fly?

Yes, peafowls, including peacocks and peahens, are capable of short, low flights. They use their wings to glide and gain some height, but they are not strong fliers and prefer to spend most of their time on the ground.

How do peafowls travel?

pefowls travel in groups! DUR

What is the peafowls country of origin?

India and southeast Asia.

What do predators have in common?

They hunt

Which animal did peacocks come from?

Peacocks, originally peafowls are birds.Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataOrder:GalliformesFamily:PhasianidaeGenus:Pavo