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Q: What is the Definition of Zone of Cell Division?
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Division of a cell

What is the correct sequence of zones in a longitudinal section of a root from the bottom up?

zone of cell division-zone of elongation-zone of maturation

What is the definition of meiosis?

It is cell division occurring in maturation of sex cells.

What is the definition of meisosis?

Meiosis is part of the process of division of cell nuclei.

What is the zone of rapid cell division that produces growth and is found primary root and stem tips at?


What is the definition of cytokinesis?

The word itself means cell division. It is the last step when a cell begins the process of diving into two cells.

What zones follows the zone of cell division in a root tip?

This is the organization of roots from the base closest to the plant itself to the tip of the root: zone of maturation - cells specialize to carry particular functions (root hairs present) zone of elongation - rows of newly produced cells elongate zone of cell division - new cells being produced root cap - covers the growing tip

What kind of cell division when the cell is not dividing?

:Mitosis is the cell division which did not divided the cell.: Reduction Division is the cell division which divided the cell into half.

What are the three growth zones of roots?

This is the organization of roots from the base closest to the plant itself to the tip of the root: zone of maturation - cells specialize to carry particular functions (root hairs present) zone of elongation - rows of newly produced cells elongate zone of cell division - new cells being produced root cap - covers the growing tip

What is the definition of meoisis in anatomy?

Nuclear division that results in the formation of cells containing half the number of chromosomes as the adult cell.

What is definition of the quotient in a division problem?

It is the answer of the division.

Why mitotic cell division is called homotypic cell division?

Mitotic cell division is called homotypic cell division because no crossing over is occur in this division and pairing of homologous cromosome is also not occur. So caracteristics of daughter cells is same as mother cell. As there is no variation occur, so this type of cell division may called homotypic cell division.