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A list box displays a list from which the user may make a selection. The default behaviour is to permit a single selection, but multiple selections are also permitted by changing the SelectionMode accordingly.

A combo box combines a list box with a text box, but the list is limited to single selections only. Changing the DropDownStyle alters the behaviour of the combo box.

The default style is DropDown, which permits the user to enter text that is not contained in the list, therefore the list provides suggested input for the user (and can be used to auto-complete the input text). The user can also click the drop down arrow to expose the list and make a direct selection as they would from a list.

When the style is Simple, the list is exposed at all times, but otherwise behaves as per the default mode. But in DropDownList mode, the user is limited to only those items in the list.

To sum up, if you need multiple-selections, then you must use a list box. For single selections, you can use either. If space is limited, a combo box is better, but if the list must be exposed then a list box will be smaller. However, if user-defined input is permitted, then you must use a combo box. A text box would also be an option, but the combo box also allows suggestedinput.

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