

Best Answer
  1. the old was black and white the new is color
  2. the old movies are long the new movies are small
  3. the old has less fight and thrill while new has fights and thrills
  4. the old movies are respect our sense the new movies dis respect our sense and make lot of bad situation..........etc
  5. most of to days movies are meaning less yes . there are many good actors; but there is lack of good directors and script -writers
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potluri satyavathi

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10y ago

They aren't. You see, people have just forgotten the BAD old movies. They were forgotten in the mist of cinematography and were never watched again, which is why nowadays only GOOD old movies are presented. So that is why we get the ideal the old movies were better. The same thing will be in fifty years, when people will look at the generation of our movies and forget about the bad ones. If you cannot find any good new movies, here are some of them: Inception, Argo, Prestige, In Bruges, Inglorious Basters, Slumdog Millionaire, Black Swan, King's Speech, Gladiator, District 9, The Lord of the Rings, Kill Bill (volume 1 and 2), Master and Commander, The Departed, Oldboy, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, There Will Be Blood, 500 Days of Summer, Toy Story 2 and 3 (personally didn't really like the first one), Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, The Social Network, Momento, The Matrix (would suggest watching only the first one), Zombieland, and The Grey.

These are only some of them. There are a lot more to check out. But these ones should keep you busy for awhile.

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13y ago

The difference between new and old films is that

  • the old was black and white the new is color.
  • the old movies are long the new movies are small
  • the old has less fight and thrill while new has fights and thrills
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10y ago

Most old music is much better than the popular music in todays society. Music used to be about the passion for music and lyrics with meanings, it wasn't auto tuned and people actually cared about being a good role model/person to their fans. Now a days music has become just noise. Most of the lyrics are meaningless, many of the artists are auto tuned to sound way better then they actually do and many don't even care about how they act even if they are a huge influence on tons of people. This is mainly just the popular most liked music such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Blood on the Dance Floor, and any other artist/band that got taken over by the fame and fortune and gave up on creating actual meaningful good music that people don't just like because it's "popular". Today's popular music is popular because it sucks.

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9y ago

My theory is because of the lower production values back then, compared to what we are accustomed to seeing today. In Horror movies from the 1970's for example, especially slasher type films, the video is a lot more raw, sometimes grainy or shaky, it feels like you are watching a snuff film that was recorded first hand. Whereas today's horror movies have huge production quality, they are very theatrical, over the top, and have content/events that could usually never occur in every day life. Not to mention make-up effects vs CGI. Back in the day there was no CGI, it all had to be done through make-up, prosthetics, props, and puppetry.

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12y ago

There are pros and cons for living in the past. In the past they didn't have the technology we have to make our lives easier. It all depends on personal prefrence.

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10y ago

how are new movies compred to new ones

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